Nummer Achtzehn (RGB), Nummer Neunzehn(RGB), Nummer Zwanzig (RGB), 2020, paper, acrylic paint on Alu, abraded, 50cm x 37cm
Nummer Achtzehn (RGB), Nummer Neunzehn(RGB), Nummer Zwanzig (RGB), 2020, paper, acrylic paint on Alu, abraded, 50cm x 37cm
Exhibition view WHEN THE AIR BECOMES ELECTRIC, Centre de la photographie Genève, 2019
Exhibition view Cantonale 2018, Kunsthaus Langenthal
Nummer Fünfzehn, 2018, UV-print on alu-dibond, abraded, 30cm x 20cm
Nummer Dreizehn, 2018, Silkscreen on aluminium dibond, abraded, 100cm x 70cm
Nummer Vierzehn, 2018, Silkscreen on aluminium dibond, abraded, 100cm x 70cm
Solo exhibition Wieder auf Almuminium 2017, Indiana, Vevey Switzerland
Nummer Vier, 2017, C-Print on aluminium, abraded, 65cm x 45cm Nummer eins, 2016, mixed media on aluminium, 145cm x 100cm
Exhibition view Rousseaustrasse 59, 2016
Untitled, 2016, beechwood, UV-print on alu-dibond, chain
Exhibition view Helmhaus, 2016
Dissection, 2015 C-Print on aluminium, metal frame, 145cm x 100cm
Untitled, 2015 Acrylic on inkjet printed transparency films, alu frame, 60cm x 47cm
Untitled (New Montage), 2015, C-Print, framed, 100cm x 70cm
Solo exhibition More Buildings for Shanghai, 2014, Academy of Art Hangzhou, China
Master Degree Show ZHdK, 2013, Zürich
Untitled (Mumbai), Dyptichon, 2011/2014, C-Print, framed, 35 cm x 50 cm
Untitled (Silicone 2), 2014
Silicone, color pigment, chrome bar,
dimension variable, in collaboration with Stephanie Hess
Exhibition view POSITION 4, 2013, Bob Gysin Galerie, Zürich, CH
Gottheit, 2014, Objet trouvé, 40cm x 31cm
Curry Powder in the Sea Breeze, 2013
Silkscreen print on Holoprism metalized paper mounted on plywood, wood, A4 paper
Shanghai rises, 2012
Laser prints, Plexiglas, 300cm x 130cm x 250cm
Erasmusbridge 1/2/3/4, Composition 3/2/1/4", 2013
Offset prints / 34cm x 46 cm, 135g Offset paper
9cm x 84cm x 500cm
Papercomposition black/white, 2012
Offset prints / 80gr A4 Offset paper, 72cm x 52cm x 60cm